Grilled Potatoes

Whether BBQing while camping out or BBQing at home, a favorite side dish of ours is grilled potatoes. I began making this tasty dish years ago, and it is still one of the most asked for favorites among my family. Below is my recipe for making potatoes on your favorite grill:

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes
Cooking time: 40-60 minutes (depending on portion size)

6 Medium Potatoes – unpeeled, well washed and cut into medium-large pieces
1 Onion – sliced in quarters
1 Green Pepper – cut into strips (how large you want the strips is up to you)
1 Red Pepper – cut into strips (how large you want the strips is up to you)
1 Container Fresh Mushrooms – (the size of container depends on how many mushrooms you would like to add)
4 Medium to Large Garlic Cloves – peeled and sliced (or you can use minced garlic)
3 Medium Carrots – sliced into chunks (optional)
1 Medium Zucchini – sliced into chunks (optional)
1 stick of butter (or olive oil)
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt – to taste
Salt – to taste (if you do not want to use Lawry’s)
Pepper – to taste
Cookie Sheet – size of cookie sheet depends on portion size of potatoes made
Tin Foil

Tip: Before preparing the potatoes for cooking, I like to get my charcoal going on the grill with a chimney starter* so the coals are ready for cooking when I am done preparing the food.

If you have never used a chimney starter, they are super easy to use. Remove the grates from your grill and place the chimney starter in the bottom of your grill where your coals would normally be for cooking. Then, simply put one or two crumpled pieces of newspaper in the bottom part of the chimney starter and place a good amount of charcoal inside the chimney starter and light the newspaper below the coals with a lighter. The flames from the newspaper will ignite your charcoal, getting it ready for grilling.

When the coals begin to turn a bit of white on the edges, pick your chimney starter up by the handle and empty the hot coals onto the bottom of your grill and then replace the grill grates for grilling your food.

While the coals are getting ready, get a small to medium cookie sheet and tear a piece of tin foil large enough to cover the bottom of the cookie sheet plus an extra 1/2 to 1 inch of foil on the ends of the cookie sheet (where the handles are).

Cut the stick of butter in half and place one half in the middle of the foil on the cookie sheet and put the other half off to the side (you will be using this other half later).

Place your washed and cut potatoes inside the foil on the cookie sheet.

Put all of the other cut vegetables on the foil along with the potatoes, arranging it however you would like to cook it (I like to layer the bottom of the foiled cookie sheet with potatoes, then add my peppers, mushrooms, garlic, and any other vegetables I choose to put in the potatoes, then add the garlic and onions and seasoning last).

Place the other half of the stick of butter in the middle of the foil on top of the potatoes and vegetables.

Season the potatoes and vegetables with whatever seasoning you choose to use (I like to season our potatoes with an extra good sprinkling of Lawry’s and fresh ground pepper).

Tear another piece of tin foil – this one longer than the piece of tin foil on the bottom – and place it on top of the potatoes, bringing the edges of this piece of foil to meet the edges of the foil on the bottom.

Fold the top and bottom edges of the tin foil over, pinching them together to hold in place (I like to fold it over twice so it does not leak).

Fold the foil all the way around the cookie sheet until the potatoes are completed covered and sealed by the tin foil.

Tip: I like to move the coals up higher on the grill so the potatoes have a good amount of heat while cooking.

Your cookie sheet of potatoes are now ready to put on the grill and cook for 40-60 minutes, depending on portion size.

When done, remove the cookie sheet of potatoes from the grill, place it on a cutting board to slightly cool. Then carefully peel the foil back (be very careful, the foil is HOT!) and serve with your favorite meal!

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